Weekly Astrology Forecast - July 10 - July 16, 2023
Today, we begin the week with thoughtful Mercury in Cancer in harmony with dreamy Neptune in Pisces. This watery conversation can lead to miscommunication, misunderstandings, or confusion in thoughts and communications. There could be a much more emotional layer to our thoughts and concerns along with an element of fantasy or illusion.
On Monday, June 10th, Mars, the planet of action and desire enters methodical, analytical Virgo. This can often create anxiety. Be sure to ground yourself, and this would be a good time to create action plans. Use the energy of desire and action to be sure that the actions you are taking are in the right direction and in alignment with what you truly desire.
Later that day, Mercury in Cancer (emotional security) moves into opposition with Pluto in Capricorn (structures, accomplishment) creating a standoff in which Pluto asks us to put feet to our thoughts of emotional security, nurturing, and self-care. What are you putting off? Get that doctor’s appointment scheduled. Put those workouts in your calendar and do them, and have the difficult conversation you need to have. You might find yourself holding on to old beliefs, relationships, etc. Oppositions need integration (kind of like those finger puzzles where you need to push further in rather than try to pull it out). So, rather than jumping into a habitual reaction, sit with the situation a bit, before reacting as usual.
On Tuesday, July 11th, Mercury enters Leo and squares the True Node in Taurus. Your karmic purpose is in a tense relationship with your thoughts and communications; there might be difficulty communicating your mission or desires. Old beliefs might be keeping you stuck. Pay attention to thought patterns and beliefs that no longer serve.
Later that day, Mars in Virgo trines the True Node in Taurus. Passionate, action-taking Mars is supporting your efforts towards your destiny. When taking action, consider if you are acting from old habits and beliefs or if you are acting from a neutral place that will drive you toward your purpose.
Consultations are available to help you understand how these energies are affecting you personally over the course of the next year and to create a plan for navigating them.