January 2021 Forecast
Image by Andreas Breitling from Pixabay
The theme for January is TRANSITIONS. Here is a list of astrological events for the month:
Insert list of cosmic events for the month
Here is the recording of the January 2021 forecast call I did for my subscribers.
If you’d like to be the first to hear about these calls and attend live where you can ask questions, be sure to sign up for my newsletter here.
In the video, I talk a little bit about the forecast for each rising sign. If you don’t know your rising sign, you can listen to the one for the Sun sign, however, it will not be as accurate as the one for your rising sign. **See NOTE below.
Here are the timestamps for each rising sign forecast:
Aries 41:36
Taurus 42:57
Gemini 44:43
Cancer 46:50
Leo 49:08
Virgo 50:01
Libra 51:56
Scorpio 53:27
Sagittarius 55:01
Capricorn 56:39
Aquarius 58:22
Pisces 59:54
If you’d like to get a full natal consultation to find out how these energies affect you personally over the next year, click here to purchase.
**NOTE: To get a copy of your birth info (which will have your rising sign) go to astro.com and enter your birth information. Please note, however, that you will need an accurate birth time in order to get an accurate rising sign.