Happy New Year 2021!!
Image by Syaibatul Hamdi from Pixabay
Well, 2020 is finally over and there is a sense of hope as we enter 2021. I don’t think we’re quite out of the woods yet. It’s not as though we “flip a switch” at midnight on January 1st. We are leaving 2020 much like we would leave a violent storm. After the storm has blown over, we can peek our heads outside and survey the damage. And what we see is COVID cases rising, a political system (here in the US) in turmoil, more divisiveness in our country than I’ve seen in my lifetime, inequality of epic proportions, and so on. If 2020 has done anything it has blown away the coverings of all these things – may of which were there, unseen by most. However, now they are there for all to see.
Astrologically, as we leave 2020 behind and enter 2021, we continue the Aquarian theme that was started with the Great Conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius last month. However, know that the start of 2021 is not all skipping through fields of daisies. It is as though we have shifted into a new gear and are slowly gaining momentum to go in a new speed or direction. It doesn’t happen immediately. While 2021 is not as intense as 2020 was, it still has some action in it. Things are happening, just not with the intensity of 2020.
I think 2021 is going to be a year of taking stock of where we are as an individual, a community, a country and a world. From that, we must make a decision how to move forward. It is up to each of us to make that decision for ourselves and the world – the real work is beginning now.
I’d love to keep in touch with you in 2021, if y ou’d like that too, be susre to sign up for my weekly newsletter here.