Image by Val Rimang from Pixabay
Imbolc is a Cross Quarter Day, the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It is traditionally celebrated by the ancient Celts around this time to celebrate of the end of winter and the upcoming lighter half of the year. For this agricultural society, the hardest part of the year was over; bad weather, , food rationing, and illness. Life and activities were stirring again.
When Christianity came to Ireland, the festival became associated with a celebration of Saint Bridget, since it had been associated with the Celtic goddess Brighid. This festival was celebrated with rituakls designed to welcome the spring, cleanse (as in spring cleaning), ward of illness and basically welcome in the spring.
Weather was extremely important to agricultural society, so omens regarding weather were also employed at this time. This has translated to the modern day “Groundhog Day” here in the US, where a groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil is observed to see if he sees his shadow every February 2nd. If he sees his shadow, we have more winter, if he doesn’t, winter is over.
“On this Imbolc day, as I kindle the flame upon my hearth,
I pray that the flame of Brigid may burn in my soul,
and the souls of all I meet today.
I pray that no envy and malice,
no hatred or fear, may smother the flame.
I pray that indifference and apathy,
contempt and pride,
may not pour like cold water on the flame.
Instead, may the spark of Brigid light the love in my soul,
that it may burn brightly through this season.
And may I warm those that are lonely,
whose hearts are cold and lifeless,
so that all may know the comfort of Brigid’s love.”
This fire festival is currently celebrated beginning the evening of February 1st and goes through February 2nd.
A way to honor this time at home would be to perform some sort of ritual to welcome in the light and Sun at this time of year. It could be as simple as taking a bath with cleansing herbs or oils. Then dress in colors appropriate to the Sun (gold, yellow, orange) or the sign of Aquarius (blue), light a candle and then call in the energy of the light and sun. Feel the warmth growing inside your belly and spreading through your body. Welcome it in and know that it is there to draw upon whenever you need a boost.
If you would like to see how this Aquarius season is affecting you through your natal astrology chart, contact me for a $25 15-minutes reading at Type Aquarius reading in the Subject line.