Summer Solstice 2023
The Sun moved into Cancer yesterday which means the Summer Solstice is here in the northern hemisphere (and the Winter Solstice in the southern hemisphere).
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year (I will be speaking from a northern hemisphere perspective, so know that the opposite is true for the southern hemisphere). The days will begin to get shorter as we move into the darker days.
Cancer represents our need for emotional security, compassion, and belonging, as well as the ideas of nurturing and being nurtured, food, mothering, and the Mother archetype. As a water sign, it operates in the realm of emotions. And, as the first water sign, it has an energy of initiation and power to make things happen that we don’t see in the other water signs (Scorpio and Pisces).
There is a trine between the Sun at 0 Cancer and Saturn at 7 Pisces. Trines are when planets are approximately 120 degrees away from each other, and indicate a harmonious, supporting relationship between the two energies. This particular trine shows that there is good support now for evaluating the structures and systems in place for supporting your choices moving forward. This is especially true in the areas of relationships, and perhaps finding ways to be in relation with other people (or your own self) in order to follow your will, make choices in alignment with your essence (Sun in Pisces) by rising above the things (ideas, people, situations) that bind you or hold you back (Saturn in Pisces).
In this chart, Mars, Venus, and the Moon are conjunct in Leo – meaning they are right next to each other. These energies represent passion, forward movement, and purging or releasing (Mars), uniting, acquiring, connecting (Venus), and receiving, daily habits, and emotions (Moon) are combining to help us know who we are at our core and express ourselves fully (Leo).
Jupiter in Taurus, square Venus, Mars, and the Moon, gives this group of planetary energies enough friction to be sure that this is done in a grounded, sustainable, practical way that supports our need for physical safety and security, and resources (Taurus).
Mercury sextiling this group of planets is supporting the ability to take a look at matters of the heart and relationships of all kinds (platonic, romantic, business, etc.) and communicate needs and desires. Gather with people who bring you joy and whom you can feel most alive around.
Consultations are available to help you understand how these energies are affecting you personally over the course of the next year and to create a plan for navigating them.